Saturday, January 24, 2009

A New Year!

One of my decisions this new year is to write more. I know I have at least two people who will read my blog - and participate - so hopefully I will get better a this as time and practice progress.

i have had an amazing summer, and so there are many stories to tell for the first few entries, at least unitl my usual (not too exciting life) gets back to its normal state.

I feel the most relaxed that I have been for many years after having about 3 weeks with the rellies in the Ole US-of-A; and then 3 weeks of camping at the perfect beach location - its location is a secret Shhh! We want to keep it perfect.

So today - The Saturday of the Australia Day Long Weekend. We Aussies love our Long Weekends. For me though, it is the last weekend of my holidays. I go back to the coalface (read school) on Tuesday. At this stage I am quite looking forward to that, but give me a day or two back there and I'll be counting the days until the next holidays!

Today the temperature was 41C (that's 105.8F) a stinker! This has followed several days of building up. At the beach, although hot, we would sit on the hill and run down for a dip every half hour or so till the sun went down. I spent a lot of time "mermaiding" in the sea ove the last few days - not swimming, not surfing, just floating about - "lolling".

No beach 30 seconds away now that I am at home, so I spent most of the day inside in the air conditioning - Aaah!

I did go out this morning to buy groceries from Woolworths. The cupboards are quite bare after being away for so long. Although the Jacksons* did leave me a few lovely treasures in the frozen leftovers etc.
* Madeline's family who stayed here for a week.

I spent $280 at Woolworths - couldn't believe it! Well that had better keep me going for a while.

The other thing I have done today is washing, washing, washing. All of the clothes I took away, and sheets, towels etc needed to be washed. Thank goodness for washing machines and dryers! Almost through it now. I'm hoping there's not too much ironing... I unpacked everything in from the car last night and tried to put it away as I brought it up (a flight of stairs - 20 trips in all!) Tomorrow, depending on the heat, I will unpack the camping trailer. Unfortunately it rained on the last night we were a the beach and so things like the tent, need drying out.

OK that's a good start for me. More to come.


Carol said...

I am so glad you posted. It is fun to hear the minusha (sp) of our lives. Also add the gadget live tells you where people are who look at your post...I had someone from India looking at mine!

nicole s said...

Hey Julie, your blog is cool. hope you keep up on the occasional post!!! I tried to send you an email but it bounced back so here is what it was. Sorry, just wanted to get this message to you! Just trash this comment once you've read it.
Hi Julie and Lynn,
Hope you've all got some scrapping done over January! I've decided to just go with private, or more accurately "pre-organised" classes this year. Basically that means that if one (or two or three or four) of you want to come, just email me and book it in. I will be available every Wednesday and Friday evenings. For one person it is $30, for two people it's $15 each, and for three or more it's $10. Maybe you want to organise a time between yourselves, and maybe invite Paulette? I don't mind if it's one/two or three or more people. Hope this will work for you,
Thanks, Nicole